Friday, December 5, 2008

Can I post a photo from my cell phone? Yes, I can!

Can I post a photo from my cell phone? Yes, I can!

OK, I think I've got

OK, I think I've got it...had to set my mobile to the proper blog via the computer-NOW if I send a text to it posts to this blog.

Ugh! Why won't this work?

Ugh! Why won't this work?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Just refreshing my memory about

Just refreshing my memory about blogging via cell. It's been a coupla months, so it took a while!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

BTW, all of today's posts

BTW, all of today's posts are comin' atcha via my celly-phone! I lugged my %&*#! Laptop around all day Monday, and for what?

The best sessions at NECC2008

The best sessions at NECC2008 so far, by far, have been about the power of mlearning. It's thundering down the track, folks; are you ready . . .